I proudly bring to you.... ME!!!!
Monday, March 20, 2006


Finally got the paintball pics! Before the entire 'wargames' started, we took a 'family photo'. After this photos, friends became enemies and no mercy was spared in killing each other! Haha!

Its was Team CoC, Team Horsey and Team Mad. And I'm bigger than the biggest horsey. Heh!

Hereby, i shall show u a glimpse of my comrades and in arms. Richard, Hua, Melvin, Me. Horsey number 5 went missing right after the match. So you guys lucked out. Anyway i'm the biggest horsey and the man of the match lar. So why bother about anything else? Haha...

Big Horsey 'Ric' suffered a devastating neck shot, leaving him a big red lovebite. Power!

Here's Team CoC. They didnt put up much of a fight lar. But cannot blame them. Who wants to get shot? Its painful lor...

Here's Gerald, Toe, Hua and me. The game very shack. Hafta run a lot and do loads of evasive movement. See our sweat!

3SG Chee lead his team to victory, but by a mere scrap of luck cause we ran out of ammo. Haha. But then again, win is win, lose is lose. Congrats!

This paintball shit is fun! Injured, tired and sweating, but its still great! Who's game for paintball?

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